Accelerated Master's

Below you will find relevant information for new ROBO Accelerated Masters admits

Log in to PennInTouch to access all your student information online.

Pointing Courses to ROBO Transcript:
Courses taken while you are an undergraduate will not automatically point to your ROBO transcript. In order to update your transcript, please send an email to with the courses that will count towards your ROBO requirements and designate if that course(s) is being double counted. Up to three courses may be double counted with your undergraduate degree. All requests will be processed and updates may be seen in PennInTouch usually within 48 hours.
Please note: all courses taken while you are an undergraduate will show on your undergraduate transcript, even if only counting towards the ROBO Program.

Your Faculty Advisor:
Your ROBO Faculty Advisor is a resource for you during your time in the ROBO program. Feel free to reach out to your advisor directly to go over your plan of study for the program and discuss your future career or academic goals.

If you have not yet been assigned a ROBO Faculty advisor, please reach out to to have someone assigned to you.

Connect with GRASP on Social Media:

  • LinkedIn – Our LinkedIn groups are for our GRASP and ROBO students and alumni only; please find the unlisted LinkedIn groups here and here and request your membership. As a ROBO student you are invited to both groups.
  • Follow us on Twitter
  • Check us out on YouTube

Subscribe to GAPSA’s Weekly Newsletter:
A great newsletter for any graduate student at Penn, to subscribe to it click here.

GRASP Student Committees:
Visit this site (make sure you are logged in to your SEAS email address) for details and how to get involved!

Additional Graduate Associations:

SEAS Graduate Student Groups
For more information about the many Graduate Student Groups available to you across campus, click here.


Graduate Coordinator for ROBO
Office: The GRASP Treehouse in Building 250 at the Pennovation Center