Days: M=Monday | T=Tuesday | W=Wednesday| R=Thursday | F=Friday
Please note: This page is updated manually and meant to act as a general guide. Path@Penn will contain the most up to date information regarding course schedules for the Summer semester.
CIS 5020/910 | Analysis of Algorithms | Khanna | TR 1:45-5:44PM |
CIS 5300/910 | Natural Language Processing | Yatskar | MWF 3:30-5PM |
CIS 5730/910 | Software Engineering | Murphy | MTR 7-9:29PM |
EAS 5120/001 | Engineering Negotiation | Diamond | MT 12-3PM |
IPD 5150/910 | Product Design | Burns | TW 1:45-5PM |
All students (including CIS undergraduates) who are interested in registering for a 5000 level or above CIS course, should be directed to the CIS waitlist system.
Your ROBO Contact:
Graduate Coordinator for ROBO
Office: The GRASP Treehouse in Building 250 at the Pennovation Center