Kick-Off Event 5:30 pm on September 10th, 2012 at Wu & Chen
Auditorium, SEAS
The Y-Prize Competition gives students the opportunity to propose
applications for research solutions developed at the University of
Pennsylvania. This year’s competition theme will be “robotic
technologies”. Various robotic technologies are studied and developed
at Penn’s General Robotics Automation Sensing and Perception (GRASP)
Students may work in teams or individually to formulate a practical
application for any of Penn’s innovative robotic technology. The
competition allows students to gain experience in engineering,
robotics, design, business and working in multidisciplinary teams. At
the conclusion of the competition, participants will present their
application to a panel of judges where they will be competing for a
chance to win $5000. For more information, go to: http://www.yprize.upenn.edu