Abstract: Manipulation planning for robotic manipulators
gives rise to a rich variety of tasks that include constraints on collision-avoidance, torque, balance, closed-chain kinematics, and
end-effector pose. While many researchers have developed
representations and strategies to plan with a specific constraint, the goal of my work is to develop a broad representation of constraints on
a robot’s configuration and identify general strategies to manage
these constraints during the planning process. Some of the most
important constraints in manipulation planning are functions of the pose of an arm’s end-effector, so I will devote a large part of this
talk to end-effector placement for grasping and transport tasks. I
will present an efficient approach to generating paths that uses Task
Space Regions (TSRs) to specify manipulation tasks which involve
end-effector pose goal and/or path constraints. I will show how to use
TSRs for path planning with the Constrained BiDirectional RRT (CBiRRT) algorithm and describe several extensions of the TSR representation.
Among them are methods to plan with object pose uncertainty and handle more complex pose constraints by chaining TSRs together. I will also
show humanoid robots and mobile manipulators using CBiRRT to
accomplishing practical tasks.