Published by IEEE Spectrum
Authored by Evan Ackerman and Erico Guizzo
A few weeks ago, we asked folks on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn to share photos and videos showing how they’ve been adapting to the closures of research labs, classrooms, and businesses by taking their robots home with them to continue their work as best they can. We got dozens of responses (more than we could possibly include in just one post!), but here are 15 that we thought were particularly creative or amusing.
And if any of these pictures and videos inspire you to share your own story, please email us ( with a picture or video and a brief description about how you and your robot from work have been making things happen in your home instead.
Vivian Chu (Diligent Robotics)
From Diligent Robotics CEO Andrea Thomaz: “This is how a roboticist works from home! Diligent CTO, Vivian Chu, mans the e-stop while her engineering team runs Moxi experiments remotely from cross-town and even cross-country!”
Kod*lab (University of Pennsylvania)
“Another Friday Nuts n Bolts Meeting on Zoom…”

Ross Kessler (Exyn Technologies)
“Quarantine, Day 8: the humans have accepted me as one of their own. I’ve blended seamlessly into their #socialdistancing routines. Even made a furry friend”

Michael Sobrepera (University of Pennsylvania GRASP Lab)
Predictably, Michael’s cat is more interested in the bag that the robot came in than the robot itself (see if you can spot the cat below). Michael tells us that “the robot is designed to help with tele-rehabilitation, focused on kids with CP, so it has been taken to hospitals for demos [hence the cool bag]. It also travels for outreach events and the like. Lately, I’ve been exploring telepresence for COVID.”

Featured People
Robotics MSE '13 - Cofounder and CTO, Diligent Robotics
Robotics MSE '19, PhD, MEAM '22