Daniel Mox
PhD, MEAM '23, Software Engineer at Zoox
Daniel was a PhD student in the Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics department working under the supervision of Vijay Kumar. His research is in multi-robot exploration and mapping with an emphasis on information theoretic approaches and building high detail 3D maps of the environment. Before joining the University of Pennsylvania, Daniel completed B.S. and M.S. degrees in mechanical engineering at Drexel University.
Daniel is interested in solving practical, fundamental challenges at the intersection of robotics and wireless systems using search-based planning, optimization and machine learning.
Learning Connectivity-Maximizing Network Configurations
Publisher IEEE/ ICRA
Mobile Wireless Network Infrastructure on Demand
Publisher arXiv
Evaluating the effectiveness of perspective aware planning with panoramas
Publisher IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)
Information based exploration with panoramas and angle occupancy grids
Publisher Springer
Information theoretic source seeking strategies for multiagent plume tracking in turbulent fields
Publisher Journal of Marine Science and Engineering