Katherine Kuchenbecker
GRASP Faculty Member until '18
Katherine researches the design and control of robotic systems that enable a user to touch virtual objects and distant environments as though they were real and within reach. These haptic interfaces combine electromechanical sensors and actuators with high-speed computer control to fool the human sense of touch. By studying applications such as robot-assisted surgery, tablet computers, stroke rehabilitation, and personal robots, Katherine seeks to improve our understanding of haptic feedback and uncover new opportunities for its use in interactions between humans, computers, and machines.
Dr. Katherine Kuchenbecker left Penn in 2018, to see more information about her new position visit: https://hi.is.mpg.de/person/kjk
Robust tactile perception of artificial tumors using pairwise comparisons of sensor array readings
Publisher IEEE Haptics Symposium (HAPTICS)
Faculty News
“Feel me: What the new science of touch says about ourselves” on The New Yorker
May 10, 2016
“The technology of touch: mini-motors enhance tactile world” on Philly.com
April 24, 2016
“Penn Researchers Get Hands-On Experience at Haptics Symposium” on the Penn Current
April 14, 2016
Faculty News
Dr. Katherine Kuchenbecker received the TCPW’s 2015 Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Advising
November 30, 2015
Faculty News
September 17, 2015
Faculty News
Dr. Katherine Kuchenbecker profiled for her research in the Circuit Cellar Magazine
March 6, 2015
Faculty News
Katherine Kuchenbecker named a PopTech’s Science and Public Leadership Fellow
December 11, 2014
Faculty News
Katherine Kuchenbecker featured in NewScientist.com’s “Haptic soldiers guided by buzzing belt”
December 5, 2014
Faculty News
December 5, 2014
Faculty News
December 3, 2014
Faculty News
Katherine Kuchenbecker interviewed for SmartPlanet’s “Why design is key in haptics innovation”
December 3, 2014
Faculty News
April 28, 2014
Faculty News
Vijay Kumar, Dan Lee and Katherine Kuchenbecker – LIVE on the Radio Times with Marty Moss-Coane
January 16, 2014
Faculty News
October 15, 2013
Faculty News
November 15, 2012
Student News
“Vibrotactile feedback enhances robotic urologic surgery, according to study” in the Urology Times
October 13, 2011
Student News
“Please Touch the Robot” demo by Joe Romano under Dr. Katherine Kuchenbecker at IROS 2011
October 3, 2011
Faculty News
Katherine Kuchenbecker profiled in MentorNet’s “Being a Woman in Engineering is “Fun'”
June 15, 2011
Student News
Joe Romano’s PR2_props code was demonstrated live at the Google I/O 2011 Developer Conference
May 13, 2011
Student News
March 29, 2010
March 26, 2010
Ph.D. Students
Research Staff
Robotics MSE '15 - Senior Data Scientist, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine