Laura Jarin-Lipschitz
Laura is pursuing her PhD in Mechanical Engineering, advised by Dr. Vijay Kumar and Dr. Mark Yim. She is interested in path planning, control, and design of autonomous aerial robots and multi-robot systems.
Laura’s research is focused on search-based motion planning for fast flight in cluttered and unstructured environments.
Laura graduated in 2016 with a S.B. in Mechanical Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Prior to starting at Penn, she worked on robotics research in the Control & Autonomous Systems Group at MIT Lincoln Laboratory.
Research Groups
Design and Evaluation of Motion Planners for Quadrotors in Environments with Varying Complexities
Publisher ICRA
Evaluating Robust, Perception Based Controllers with Quadrotors
Publisher IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)
Autonomous inspection of a containment vessel using a micro aerial vehicle
Publisher Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)