

Matthew Malencia

Matthew Malencia (He, Him, His)

Robotics MSE '19, PhD, ESE '23

While at the GRASP Lab, Matthew was a robotics researcher, an AI educator, and a science policy advocate. His research on coordination strategies enabled robot teams to accomplish complex tasks within the context of real world human systems by leveraging robot heterogeneity. He was co-advised by Dr. George Pappas and Dr. Vijay Kumar, and he collaborated with Dr. Amanda Prorok at the University of Cambridge as a visiting researcher. After earning his Ph.D., Matthew joined Zipline, the world’s largest autonomous delivery system specializing in on-demand drone delivery and instant logistics.



ICRA 2021 – GRASP Accepted Papers

March 3, 2021


ICRA 2020 Recap

June 24, 2020

Vijay Kumar

Nemirovsky Family Dean, SEAS

George Pappas

Joseph Moore Professor & Department Chair, ESE

Matthew Malencia

Research Areas

  • Multi-robot Systems