Matthew Malencia (He, Him, His)
Robotics MSE '19, PhD, ESE '23
While at the GRASP Lab, Matthew was a robotics researcher, an AI educator, and a science policy advocate. His research on coordination strategies enabled robot teams to accomplish complex tasks within the context of real world human systems by leveraging robot heterogeneity. He was co-advised by Dr. George Pappas and Dr. Vijay Kumar, and he collaborated with Dr. Amanda Prorok at the University of Cambridge as a visiting researcher. After earning his Ph.D., Matthew joined Zipline, the world’s largest autonomous delivery system specializing in on-demand drone delivery and instant logistics.
Agree to Disagree: Subjective Fairness in Privacy-Restricted Decentralised Conflict Resolution
Publisher Frontier in Robotics & AI
Fair Robust Assignment using Redundancy
Publisher IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)
Algorithm Transparency through the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA)
Publisher Journal of Science Policy and Governance
Reactive Temporal Logic Planning for Multiple Robots in Unknown Environments
Publisher IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)