Oleh Rybkin
PhD, CIS '23, University of California Berkeley
Oleg is a postdoc at the UC Berkeley BAIR lab working with Pieter Abbeel and Sergey Levine. He is interested in intelligent agents that can learn general skills from large quantities of diverse data. He has also worked on unsupervised intelligent agents and agents with internal world models.
He received his Ph.D. from University of Pennsylvania, where he worked with Kostas Daniilidis and Sergey Levine. Previously, he received my bachelor’s degree from Czech Technical University in Prague. He has also spent time at INRIA, TiTech, Google, and DeepMind.
Planning Goals for Exploration
Publisher ICLR
Transferable Visual Control Policies Through Robot-Awareness
Publisher ICLR
Planning to Explore via Self-Supervised World Models
Publisher arXiv
Keyframing the Future: Discovering Temporal Hierarchy with Keyframe-Inpainter Prediction
Publisher Annual Conference on Learning for Dynamics and Control (L4DC)
Learning Predictive Models From Observation and Interaction
Publisher arXiv
Learning what you can do before doing anything
Publisher International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR)
Perception-driven curiosity with bayesian surprise
Publisher International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR)
Predicting the Future with Transformational States
Publisher arXiv
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Highlights from GRASP at CoRL 2022
December 20, 2022