Vivek Venkatram
Robotics MSE '18 - icuemotion
Hailing from Mumbai, India, I spent most of my reality nurturing an increasing curiosity towards all things virtual. Currently pursuing a graduate degree in Robotics at the GRASP Laboratory in the University of Pennsylvania, my interests range from tinkering with nuts and bolts, hooking up circuits to applying Machine Learning and Deep Learning to solve problems in Computer Vision (human pose estimation, 3D reconstruction of deformable and articulated objects, visual servoing, SLAM and visual art). When I am not building (or breaking!) robots, I love to headbang to metal music, cook Indian food, and explore the nearest biking and hiking trails on quick weekend getaways. Despite being broke after falling prey to the grooviest gadgets out there, I often can’t help but invest heavily in collecting stuff like a Polaroid camera, band merchandise and vintage LP records.
I will be joining iCueMotion, A Skill Augmentation Research & Development Lab as an Applied Computer Vision/Machine Learning Engineering starting in January, 2018.