Computer Vision and Perception

Machines must often understand the environment or subjects in the environment to interact with them or just to study them. The automatic process of interpreting sensor data whether to see or recognize people, or to avoid an obstacle when moving in the environment involves vision and/or perception.


Pratik Chaudhari

Assistant Professor, ESE

Kostas Daniilidis

Ruth Yalom Stone Professor, CIS

Eric Eaton

Research Associate Professor, CIS

Dinesh Jayaraman

Assistant Professor, CIS

Lingjie Liu

Aravind K. Joshi Assistant Professor, CIS

Antonio Loquercio

Assistant Professor, ESE

Nikolai Matni

Assistant Professor, ESE

Max Mintz

Professor, CIS (1998 - 2022)

Karl Schmeckpeper

Robotics MSE '19, PhD, CIS '23, The Boston Dynamics AI Institute

Junyao Shi


Camillo J. Taylor

Associate Dean, ODEI - SEAS; Raymond S Markowitz President’s Distinguished Professor, CIS

René Vidal

Rachleff University Professor - Radiology, Perelman School of Medicine; ESE, Penn Engineering
